According to the Kansas Board of Regents Policy Manual:

  1. The Academic Calendar of each state university shall provide for an academic year minimally consisting of two sixteen-week semesters totaling no fewer than 146 instructional days plus five final exam days each semester.

  2. Each state university shall file a three-year Academic Calendar adhering to holidays and breaks approved by the Board.  Each state university shall follow the calendar as approved by the Board.  Any deviation for reasons other than natural disasters or national emergencies must have prior approval of the Board.  

  3. The President and Chief Executive Officer of the Board shall have the authority to approve or deny non-substantive revisions to Board-approved three-year calendars and shall periodically report these changes to the Board.

Academic Calendars for 2021 - 2025 
AY 2021 - 2022 Approved June 14, 2017
AY 2022 - 2025 Approved March 18, 2020
AY 2025 - 2028 Approved April 19, 2023

Disclaimer: The following dates are subject to change as needed through the approval process. Amendments are in red. Questions can be directed to the Academic Affairs department by calling 785-430-4240. 

Academic Calendar Year 2024 - 2025

Kansas Board of Regents State Universities

Fall 2024 KU K-State WSU ESU PSU FHSU
Classes Begin  8/26/24 8/19/24   8/19/24 8/19/24   8/19/24  8/19/24
Classes End 12/12/24  12/6/24  12/05/24  12/06/24   12/06/24 12/13/24 
Exams Begin  12/16/24 12/9/24  12/07/24   12/09/24 12/09/24   12/07/24
Exams End  12/20/24 12/13/24   12/12/24  12/13/24 12/13/24  12/13/24 
Fall Break  10/12/24 - 10/15/24 11/24/24 - 11/27/24  10/12/24 2pm - 10/15/24  10/10/24 - 10/11/24   - 11/25/24 - 11/26/24 
Thanksgiving Break 11/27/24 - 12/01/24  11/28/24 - 12/01/24   11/27/24 - 12/01/24 11/27/24 - 12/01/24   11/25/24 - 11/29/24 11/27/24 - 11/29/24 
Spring 2025 KU K-State WSU ESU PSU FHSU
Classes Begin  1/21/25  1/21/25  1/21/25  1/13/25 1/21/25   1/21/25
Classes End  5/08/25 5/09/25   5/08/25  5/02/25 5/09/25  5/16/25 
Exams Begin 5/12/25  5/12/25  5/10/25  5/05/25  5/12/25   5/10/25
Exams End  5/16/25 5/16/25   5/15/25 5/09/25  5/16/25  5/16/25 
Spring Break 3/17/25 - 3/23/25   3/17/25 - 3/23/25    3/17/25 - 3/23/25  3/17/25 - 3/23/25 3/17/25 - 3/21/25  3/17/25 - 3/21/25  


(a) Fort Hays State University utilizes Saturdays as final exam days and, thus, have a slightly longer exam period.
(b) Universities are closed to observe Labor Day on September 2, 2024, and Martin Luther King Day on January 20, 2025.
(c) Pittsburg State University has been approved to move its 2021 through 2024 Fall Break days to their Thanksgiving Breaks.
(d) Spring Break Alignment was approved by the Board on December 16, 2020. For more information visit
(e) Kansas State University has been approved to add a "Wildcat Pause Day" to their 2024 through 2026 calendars. This will be observed on October 11, 2024.

Academic Calendar Year 2025 - 2026

Kansas Board of Regents State Universities

Fall 2025 KU K-State WSU ESU PSU FHSU
Classes Begin  8/18/25 8/25/25   8/18/25 8/18/25   8/18/25  8/18/25
Classes End 12/4/25  12/12/25  12/04/25  12/05/25   12/05/25 12/05/25
Exams Begin  12/8/25 12/15/25  12/06/25  12/08/25 12/08/25   12/06/25
Exams End  12/12/25 12/19/25   12/11/25  12/12/25 12/12/25  12/12/25 
Fall Break  10/11/25 - 10/14/25 11/24/25 - 11/29/25  10/11/25 - 10/14/25  10/09/25 - 10/10/25   11/24/25 - 11/25/25 11/24/25 - 11/25/25 
Thanksgiving Break 11/26/25 - 11/30/25  11/27/25 - 11/28/25   11/26/25 - 11/30/25 11/26/25 - 11/30/25   11/26/25 - 11/28/25 11/26/25 - 11/28/25 
Spring 2026 KU K-State WSU ESU PSU FHSU
Classes Begin  1/20/26  1/20/26  1/20/26  1/20/26 1/20/26 1/20/26
Classes End  5/07/26 5/08/26   5/07/26  5/08/26  5/08/26  5/08/26
Exams Begin 5/11/26  5/11/26  5/09/26  5/11/26 5/11/26  5/09/26
Exams End  5/15/26 5/15/26   5/14/26 5/15/26  5/15/26 5/15/26
Spring Break 3/16/26 - 3/22/26 3/15/26 - 3/21/26  3/16/26 - 3/22/26  3/16/26 - 3/22/26 3/16/26 - 3/20/26  3/16/26 - 3/20/26


(a) Fort Hays State University utilizes Saturdays as final exam days and, thus, has a slightly longer exam period.
(b) Universities are closed to observe Labor Day on September 1, 2025, and Martin Luther King Day on January 19, 2026.
(c) Spring Break Alignment was approved by the Board on December 16, 2020. For more information visit
(d) Kansas State University will observe their "Wildcat Pause Day" on October 10, 2025.

Academic Calendar Year 2026 - 2027

Kansas Board of Regents State Universities

Fall 2026 KU K-State WSU ESU PSU FHSU
Classes Begin  8/24/26  8/24/26  8/17/26 8/17/26  8/17/26  8/17/26
Classes End 12/04/26  12/11/26  12/03/26  12/04/26   12/04/26  12/04/26 
Exams Begin  12/14/26 12/14/26  12/05/26  12/07/26 12/07/26   12/05/26
Exams End  12/18/26 12/18/26   12/10/26  12/11/26 12/11/26  12/11/26 
Fall Break  10/10/26 - 10/13/26 11/22/26 - 11/28/26  10/10/26 2 pm - 10/13/26  10/15/26 - 10/16/26   11/23/26 - 11/24/26 11/23/26 - 11/24/26
Thanksgiving Break 11/25/26 - 11/29/26  11/26/26 - 11/27/26   11/25/26 - 11/29/26 11/25/26 - 11/29/26   11/25/26 - 11/27/26 11/25/26 - 11/26/26
Spring 2027 KU K-State WSU ESU PSU FHSU
Classes Begin  1/19/27 1/19/27  1/19/27  1/19/27  1/19/27  1/19/27
Classes End  5/06/27 5/07/27   5/06/27  5/07/27   5/07/27   5/07/27 
Exams Begin 5/10/27  5/10/27   5/08/27  5/10/27 5/10/27  5/08/27
Exams End  5/14/27 5/14/27   5/13/27 5/14/27  5/14/27  5/14/27
Spring Break 3/15/27 - 3/21/27  3/14/27 - 3/20/27   3/15/27 - 3/21/27  3/15/27 - 3/21/27 3/15/27 - 3/19/27  3/15/27 - 3/19/27


(a) Fort Hays State University utilizes Saturdays as final exam days and, thus, has a slightly longer exam period.
(b) Universities are closed to observe Labor Day on September 7, 2026, and Martin Luther King Day on January 18, 2027.
(c) Spring Break Alignment was approved by the Board on December 16, 2020. For more information visit
(d) Kansas State University will observe their "Wildcat Pause Day" on October 9, 2026.

Academic Calendar Year 2027 - 2028

Kansas Board of Regents State Universities

Fall 2027 KU K-State WSU ESU PSU FHSU
Classes Begin  8/23/27  8/23/27  8/16/27 8/23/27  8/16/27  8/23/27
Classes End 12/09/27  12/10/27  12/02/27  12/10/27  12/03/27  12/10/27
Exams Begin  12/13/27 12/13/27  12/04/27  12/13/27 12/06/27   12/11/27
Exams End  12/17/27 12/17/27  12/09/27  12/17/27 12/10/27  12/17/27
Fall Break  10/09/27 - 10/12/27 11/21/27 - 11/27/27  10/09/27 2 pm - 10/12/27  10/14/27 - 10/15/27   11/22/27 - 11/23/27 11/22/27 - 11/23/27
Thanksgiving Break 11/24/27 - 11/28/27  11/25/27 - 11/26/27   11/24/27 - 11/28/27 11/24/27 - 11/28/27   11/24/27 - 11/26/27 11/24/27 - 11/26/27
Spring 2028 KU K-State WSU ESU PSU FHSU
Classes Begin  1/18/28 1/18/28  1/18/28 1/19/28 1/18/28  1/18/28
Classes End  5/04/28 5/05/28    5/04/28  5/05/28   5/05/28   5/05/28 
Exams Begin 5/08/28  5/08/28   5/06/28  5/08/28  5/08/28   5/06/28
Exams End  5/12/28  5/12/28   5/11/28  5/12/28  5/12/28  5/12/28
Spring Break 3/13/28 - 3/19/28  3/12/28 - 3/18/28   3/13/28 - 3/19/28   3/13/28 - 3/19/28 3/13/28 - 3/17/28 3/13/28 - 3/17/28


(a) Fort Hays State University utilizes Saturdays as final exam days and, thus, has a slightly longer exam period.
(b) Universities are closed to observe Labor Day on September 6, 2027, and Martin Luther King Day on January 17, 2028.
(c) Spring Break Alignment was approved by the Board on December 16, 2020. For more information visit